For Your Information | Carpet Dyeing

About Carpet Dyeing


If you want your carpets to take on a new look and don’t want to spend the money to replace them you should consider carpet dye. It’s a low-cost alternative that will give your carpet a total facelift. Carpet is most often discarded and replaced, not because of wear and tear, but due to discoloration, fading, stains, or a change of decor. Most people aren’t aware that these problems can be solved for a fraction of the cost of carpet replacement. Protect your carpet investment by restoring it to its original color. The beauty and life of your carpet will be extended by our exclusive on-site carpet dyeing process.


Dyemasters can restore your carpet to one uniform color, (to bring back faded colors). The color can be changed completely, or it can be deepened to cover up dark stains, pet stains, etc. Dyeing can bring back the vibrant color of your carpet once held and can also be used to change the decor and/or upgrade to a new color. Bleach and other cleaning chemicals can remove the color from your carpet and cause permanent color loss, but this can be corrected by having Dyemasters color-match your carpet and eliminate the spots.

The dye color is custom blended prior to dyeing the carpet. A sample is applied so you may see the new color. The dye process is then completed. A couple of rooms can be done in an hour or two. A whole house of carpet usually can be done in one day. Commercial areas may require more than one day.

You can schedule anytime at your convenience. Our usual scheduling delay time is generally between 2 and 4 days, depending on the time of year.

It is important that someone is present on the date we do the dyeing to approve the color, prior to dyeing the entire carpet.

Dyemasters will not attempt to dye any carpet until it has been tested. This is usually done, by sending a fiber sample of the carpet to us to test. We only need a couple of strands of carpet to do the test. This is the most conclusive way to determine what the fiber content is. There is no charge for the test.If the test is positive, we can set up a time for the work to be done at your convenience. Nylon and wool carpets are can be re-dyed, but olefin, polypropylene, and polyester cannot. Most carpets are produced with nylon fibers, which account for approximately 75% of all carpets in use today.

Dyemasters unconditionally guarantees that the dyes we use will be as durable and colorfast as those of the original carpet manufacturer. The dyes we use are from the major carpet mills.

Unlike most normal textile dyeing systems, our process does not rely on boiling water to set the dye into the fiber.Our dyes are chemically set: this means the dye binds to the carpet fibers within seconds of application. The carpet can be walked on immediately. Once set, clear water is left. The water acts like a pre-soak, loosening the dirt and foreign matter, suspending it into the water and ready to be extracted out. This leaves the carpet touch damp and ready to be used immediately.

With our custom mixing and blending of colors and shades, you will be able to choose the color of your choice. Most carpets are light colored and the main reason for dyeing is to cover stains. Also, remember when re-dyeing a carpet, a dye is being added to the carpet, therefore a “dark” colored carpet cannot be dyed to a “light” colored carpet. It is not always possible to cover every single stain. Therefore the choice of color and depth of color are very important to obtain the best results.

Dyes are NOT a coating, unlike paint, which is. The new dye color actually penetrates right into the fiber dye sites, and “mixes” with the existing color to produce the final color. The current color of your carpet will determine what color you can dye your carpet. For example, if your carpet is red and yellow dye is added, and you would get an orange carpet. Of if your carpet was blue and you added red you would get a purple carpet. White and light beige carpet can be dyed any color but you can never get a deep black.

That is why paint color charts are not the best way to choose carpet colors. The test dye spots we do prior to dyeing the entire carpet are your best guide to giving you an indication of likely color outcome. As in all dyeing processes, a variation in color may occur from the test spot to the what final color will be.

Most flat furniture needs to be moved off the carpet; it can be put back when the carpet is totally dried. Items with legs can be moved back and forth as the carpet is being dyed. We will advise you what furniture can stay on and what should be removed. Our best advice, though, would be to remove as much furniture as possible.

All fragile items and “knick-knacks” should be removed. Examples: China, electronics, shoes in closets, toys, items under beds, potted plants, closet floors etc.

Usually 48 to 96 hours from completion. The time will vary with carpet style, thickness, weather conditions, ventilation, etc. Cross-Ventilation is the best way to accelerate the drying of the carpet, along with opening all doors and windows. Also, run any fans you may have in rooms with poor ventilation. Although damp, the carpet can be used immediately after we are finished. THERE IS A SANITISING AGENT IN THE DYE TO HELP CONTROL MICROBIAL ACTIVITY, which has an ongoing long-term effect to control bacteria in the carpet.

We recommend you paint after dyeing, if possible, for the following reasons:

1. Changing the color of the carpet is the most dramatic change you will make to the look of your room. Once dyed, it may alter your idea of wall colors.

2. Dye will not penetrate dried paint, glue or coatings.

3. It is almost impossible not to get a little dye on the baseboards and base of walls, door jambs etc. this may wipe off, depending on the type of paint used. However “flat “ type paint IS very susceptible to absorbing dyes.

Most carpets are replaced because of irremovable stains. Most pet,food or chemical stains can be completely hidden or made less obvious with the correct color choice, but may not completely hide. The color you choose may be more important to you than hiding every single stain.Very occasionally, once the dye has been applied, some odd chemical reaction may occur which might cause a darker or lighter spot, due to unknown PH issues. We usually are able to remedy this situation.

Darker spots are caused by the presence of a low pH (acid)chemical residue, ( wine, vinegar, cordial and juice, pet stains, some body fluids.) Usually, these stains will not show after the carpet has been dyed a deeper color.

Lighter spots are caused by the presence of a high pH chemical residue, such as bleach, or very heavy detergent residue from overzealous use of spotters. If they show after the dye process, we apply more dye to the spots to cover them up.

Ultraviolet sunlight fade occurs everywhere there is sunlight, more severely where the light has strong exposure to the carpet. Total color changes are not generally feasible on severely faded carpets. Remember the dyes “mix” with the dyes already in your carpet. If they are missing, due to fading, the resulting color in the non-faded areas will look different than the faded areas. The only way to change the color on a faded- out carpet would be to restore its original color and then re-dye it to a new color. In these situations, it is best to restore the color rather than attempt to do a complete color change.

Our dyes have a high UV resistance, but as in mill dyed carpets, they will gradually fade over a long period in areas with high UV exposure. Ozone gas fade is another way in which carpets fade. This type of fade is not caused by ultraviolet light, but by the “ozone” in our atmosphere. This can occur in by itself or in conjunction with UV fading.

Deeper colors on the floor DO NOT make a room look smaller – darker walls do. Fact: Light rays bounce back to your eyes more quickly from light-colored surfaces; they are absorbed more into a deeper colored floor, thus giving the perception of a larger room.

1. Covers food stains, pet stains, and UV/Ozone fading.

2. Makes worn areas look less obvious.

3. Highlights furniture.

4. Overall, a more elegant and clean appearance

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